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Frequently Asked Questions

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What phone number(s) will receive fraud alerts?

Any phone numbers that Direct Federal has in your records may be sent alerts.

Will I get fraud alerts while I am traveling domestically/internationally?

If you are travelling within the U.S., you will receive phone calls, text messages and emails. If you are travelling internationally, you will receive emails. You will only receive text messages if your mobile phone plan allows you to receive them while traveling outside of the United States.

Will fraud alerts contain any personal information?

We will not transmit sensitive personal information through alerts.

Why am I receiving a fraud alert?

Fraud alerts are sent to cardholders when potentially fraudulent transactions are detected on their accounts. We want to ensure that any questionable transactions were authorized by the cardholder.

What are fraud alerts?

Fraud alerts are automated phone calls, text messages and emails that are sent when potentially fraudulent purchase activity has been detected on a credit/debit card account. Messages are triggered by Direct's fraud detection system.

Text messages will be sent to cardholders in the 50 United States at no charge.

Customers with international telephone numbers will only receive emails. They will not receive text messages or phone calls.

Can I use talk-to-text(Dictation) to talk to a live chat associate?

Our live chat platform supports the talk-to-text (dictation) feature available on your smart device. To use talk-to-text to chat with one of our live associates click on the “live chat” button found on the bottom left of your screen. Upon establishing a connection with a live chat associate, you may initiate the use of the talk-to-text feature.

The method for accessing the talk-to-text feature on your device's keyboard may vary depending on the type of smart device you are using. To assist you in locating the talk-to-text feature on your device, we have provided additional resources below.

Click here for Apple Keyboard
Click here for Google assistant (gboard)

*Other keyboards may support this feature. Contact your phone provider for additional assistance.

How do I set up Recurring Payments?

Login to Digital Banking and access the transfers widget. After choosing your account and loan from the dropdown menus, you can then specify the frequency for your recurring payments.

Login to Digital Banking >

What if I want to send money to someone whose bank or credit union doesn't offer Zelle

You can find a full list of participating banks and credit unions live with Zelle® at

If your recipient's bank or credit union isn't on the list, don't worry! The list of participating financial institutions is always growing, and your recipient can still use Zelle® by downloading the Zelle® app for Android and iOS.

To enroll with the Zelle® app, your recipient will enter their basic contact information, an email address or U.S. mobile number, and a Visa® or Mastercard® debit card with a U.S. based account (does not include U.S. territories). Zelle® does not accept debit cards associated with international deposit accounts or any credit cards.


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